Private sector engagement

A cornerstone of IOM Romania's programmatic activities is the successful engagement, interaction, and partnership with the private sector. IOM recognises that the successful integration of migrant workers is a shared responsibility between the state, society, businesses, and individuals. IOM Romania assists in the inclusion and integration process primarily through the provision of Romanian language training and cultural orientation sessions.

Integration of migrant workers

IOM offers Romanian language courses tailored to the needs of both employees and employers. IOM can also provide trainings and the methodology for the teachers employed by companies to teach and integrate non-EU workers. Romanian language courses empower migrant workers with the language skills necessary for effective communication and integration in both the workplace and everyday life.

IOM also provides cultural orientation sessions, which are a key component of successful and effective integration. The intention of the sessions is to enhance cultural adaptability through helping migrants to navigate the nuances of Romanian culture, to understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as to foster understanding and harmony in the workplace and wider community.

For information on integration activities across Romania please visit

Legal counselling for companies

IOM may provide legal counselling to companies that have hired, or intend to hire, migrant workers. IOM may also offer guidance on immigration regulations, labour laws, and compliance, ensuring that businesses can engage in ethical and lawful employment practices.

To contact the Private Sector Partnership team at IOM Romania please email Cristian Viorel ZAHARIA:

Labour inclusion in Romania

Romania is divided into eight administrative regions; each region has certain specific features with regard to its economic structure, which is why certain sectors play an important role in the development of each region. At the end of March 2020, the rate of registered unemployment determined by the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) was 2.9%, corresponding to 250,900 registered unemployed persons.

Overall, Romania continues to be a country characterised by emigration, with approximately 5.6 million nationals living abroad in 2019. Starting 2018, a new migration trend is emerging across the country. The evolution of the economy and the negative demographic trends recorded in Romania have led to a severe labour shortage that has intensified in the past couple of years. According to the UN World Population Prospects (2017), Romania is expected to see its population shrink by 17% between 2017 and 2050 to a projected 16.3 million. Therefore, labour migration to Romania is expected to become increasingly important. Certain sectors (e.g. hospitality and construction) and geographic areas are more exposed, resulting in growing pressure from the private sector on the Government to increase the number of work permits issued for third-country nationals (TCNs). As such, the Government of Romania responded by increasing the annual contingent of non-EU workers from 5,000 persons in 2016 to 30,000 in 2020. In 2021 the annual contingent was 25,000 persons. The increase of migrant population in 2019 and 2020 – despite the COVID-19 pandemic – was mainly linked to the shortages existing on the labour market. This was addressed by attracting TCN workers, especially in the construction and services sectors. Therefore, the work permits issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) increased by approximately 20% in 2019, and approximately 18% in 2021, as compared to 2018.

As per the applicable legislation in Romania, TCNs may have access to the labour market:

  • If they hold a long-term right of residence in Romania;
  • If they are the holder of a right of temporary residence for the reunification of the family as a family member of a Romanian citizen;
  • If they hold a right of temporary residence for studies (only with an individual part-time employment contract with a maximum working time of 4 hours per day);
  • If Romania has concluded treaties with other states in which labour issues are regulated;
  • For didactic, scientific activities or other categories of specific activities with temporary character in accredited or provisionally authorised profile institutions in Romania;
  • For temporary activities requested by the Minister or other institutions of the central or local public administrations or by autonomous administrative authorities;
  • If they are appointed to manage a subsidiary, representative office or branch in Romania of a company that is headquartered abroad, in accordance with the necessary acts of Romanian legislation that prove this;
  • If they are the holder of a right of temporary residence granted to victims of crime (victim of trafficking in human beings or migrants);
  • If they have previously enjoyed a right of residence in Romania for at least three (3) years, as a family member of a Romanian citizen and are in one of the following situations:
    1. Was pronounced dissolved for marriage;
    2. The partnership ended;
    3. The sponsor/Romanian citizen died;
    4. Have reached the age of majority or reached the age of 21, in the situation when they are a family member of a Romanian citizen;
  • If they have been granted a form of protection in Romania;
  • If they are tolerated, during the period for which you were granted the tolerance of remaining on the Romanian territory.

Some relevant aspects to be mentioned are:

  • The single employment permit is valid for one (1) year, and can be extended for successive periods of one (1) year each, for as long as they are under contract with their employer;
  • In case the labour contract expires before the end of the period for which the residence permit is valid, the TCN has 90 days to find a new job. If the TCN finds a new employer, the company may hire the person if all legal steps are followed (e.g. to submit to the Immigration Office all needed document for issuing a new employment permit for the TCN);
  • As is for Romanian citizens, the TCNs may also be eligible for the unemployment benefits. The amount of the benefits and the period during which is granted depend on the individual circumstances of the person. For example, if the employee contributed to the social security fund for at least one (1) year, the TCN will receive the unemployment benefits for six (6) months.

Disclaimer: Please note that IOM Romania has made all efforts to ensure the information above is correct, however the regulations may changes, and therefore IOM accepts no liability for the use of the information contained within.

Resources for migrants and companies

In Romania, the rights and obligations of all employees and employers are regulated by the Labour Code (Romanian language only). Based on this, IOM Romania has compiled the below resources to assist migrants and companies. Please note that while IOM Romania has made all efforts to ensure the information contained in these files is correct, but that these are not official documents of the IOM, and as such accepts no liability for the use of the information contained within.

For information on housing, health care, and education in Romania, please visit

For information on integration activities across Romania please visit

Before starting any form of employment, it is advised to view the below video and guide/check-list about how to recognise legitimate employment.

Private sector partnerships in the Ukraine Response

From October 2023 to May 2024, IOM Romania partnered with Amazon for the distribution of clothing and hygiene items to refugees from Ukraine and other vulnerable people all across Romania. Through this activity, we reached over 35,000 people in need, including over 26,000 Ukrainian refugees.

IOM Romania was the lead player in establishing the first partnership between IOM and Airbnb in providing safe short-term shelter for Ukrainians and other Third-Country Nationals fleeing Ukraine, as part the Ukraine Response in 2022 and early 2023. These stays were free and were funded by Airbnb and donors to the Refugee Fund.

Under the Ukraine Response, IOM Romania partnered with Edenred Romania to provide social vouchers to Ukrainians, as well as with Synevo Romania to provide laboratory tests and COVID-19 testing. Click here for more information on private sector partnerships in the Ukraine Response.

Other activities have included when IOM Romania, together with Jobs4Ukraine and 20 companies in the Romanian private sector, hosted a jobs fair for Ukrainians. You can see more in the video below.

Useful contacts

As a worker in Romania, it is critical to be aware of your labour rights and obligations. Regardless of your nationality, you have the legal right to a safe, fair, and healthy work environment. If you are experiencing difficulties or otherwise need help, reach out the the relevant authorities immediately,

In case of emergencies call the emergency services:

  • General number for emergency services: 112
  • Ambulance: 112
  • Police: 112
  • Firefighters: 112
  • Emergency number for hearing and speech impaired: 113
  • Emergency number for child protection services: 119

For other issues:

  • Romanian National Agency against Trafficking+40 213 133 100 (For support/advise in situations of labour exploitation and trafficking. Available languages: Romanian and English).
  • IOM Romania: +40 212 103 050, (For information, assistance and protection. Available languages: English, Romanian, Arabic, Russian, and Ukrainian).
  • Ukraine Refugee Call Centre: 021 3456789 (For information for Ukrainian refugees residing in Romania. Available languages: Ukrainian, Russian, and Romanian).


Contact private sector partnerships team:

To contact the Private Sector Partnership team at IOM Romania please email Vlada PALANCIUC:



Disclaimer: Please note that IOM Romania has made all efforts to ensure the information contained on this page is correct, however IOM accepts no liability for the use of the information contained within.