The International Organization for Migration (IOM) first started its work in Romania in February 1992. IOM Romania operates on the basis of: Decision No. 568/1992 approving the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the International Organization for Migration regarding the legal status of the organization; and Law no. 123/1998 on the acceptance by Romania of the Constitution of the International Organization for Migration.

IOM Romania concentrates its efforts on:

  • Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection (BIP) and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs): IOM Romania has set up a national network of Centers for Information and Counseling for Foreigners that facilitates the social, economic and cultural integration of beneficiaries of international protection and third-country nationals within the Romanian society. More information is available here.
  • Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR): IOM Romania offers migrants that have lost their right to reside in Romania the opportunity to return home with dignity and to receive reintegration support once they arrive home.
  • Relocation and resettlement of refugees: IOM Romania is one of the key actors in the process of resettlement and relocation of refugees, together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Government of Romania. Through the Emergency Transit Center (ETC) in Timisoara, refugees are provided with multiple types of assistance, in a safe environment, throughout their stay in the ETC until their departure to their new home.
  • Inclusion and capacity development: IOM Romania works with a wide range of stakeholders to develop the capacity of the authorities in Romania, and to encourage and support the integration and inclusion of migrants and refugees.
  • Fight against trafficking in human beings: Since 1999, IOM Romania is helping Romanian citizens who were victims of trafficking, by facilitating their return and offering specialised assistance. IOM Romania also works on protection and information campaigns and materials, in partnership with the Government of Romania and civil society, on counter trafficking, safer employment, and avoiding exploitation.
  • Crisis and emergency response: IOM Romania works with relevant partners to respond to crises and emergencies, including the Ukraine Response.
  • Assisted Transport to Canada, Australia and the USA: IOM Romania facilitates the purchase of airline tickets with preferential prices within a humanitarian program for those who will settle in Canada, Australia or the USA and those who travel to these countries for work or studies, on a visa valid more than one year.

Please see the Migration Management page for more details on our work in Romania.