A Story of Resilience and Rebirth

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, stories of resilience and hope emerge, highlighting the strength of the human spirit. Hanna, a 51-year-old Ukrainian woman, shared with us her journey from Kherson to Romania, where she found solace and support through the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Romania's Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) program. This is Hanna’s story.

A Sudden Departure

Hanna’s life in Kherson was stable and fulfilling. As a chief accountant with a diploma in Economics, she balanced her professional responsibilities with her family life, raising two daughters and a granddaughter. However, the invasion turned their world upside down. On 15 April 2022, Hanna, her daughters aged 29 and 11, and her 7-year-old granddaughter fled Kherson. The journey to safety was harrowing—they navigated through 15 checkpoints before reaching Mykolaiv. From there, they travelled to Odessa and finally took a ferry to Romania, a country they had never visited.

"At the border, we were met with amazing support. We saw how caring people were, offering us food, keeping us warm, and taking care of the children. They provided all kinds of assistance, including material, medical, psychological, and even everything that was needed for our pets."

Despite the warm welcome, Hanna and her family faced significant challenges in Romania. The language barrier, safety concerns, and the trauma of war weighed heavily on them. Hanna experienced anxiety and PTSD, and her children remained in a constant state of stress. Health problems compounded their difficulties.

Discovering IOM Romania

Amid these struggles, Hanna learned about IOM Romania and its MHPSS services through fellow countrymen from Kherson and the IOM Facebook page. Reaching out to IOM was a turning point. “We were registered very quickly, accepted on time, and they explained the available services. They offered language courses, acting classes, dance, and drums classes for children. The impression was that they cared about us,” Hanna shares.

The support from IOM Romania came in many forms. Hanna and her family participated in mental health trips to Bran and Buşteni, enjoyed art therapy, and attended group therapy sessions, such as the women’s club. For Hanna, the trip to Buşteni was particularly significant. It provided her with the opportunity to relax and focus on her well-being without the constant worry about her children.

"Outdoor exercises were fantastic. I really enjoyed the psychological games and working with metaphorical cards—it revealed another part of me."

These activities helped her explore her subconscious, understand herself better, and learn to cope with difficulties.

One of the most transformative moments for Hanna was a psychological game that made her feel like a child again. “It helped me escape from daily problems and begin to recover,” she says. Working with metaphorical cards also had a profound impact, helping her find answers to her questions and renewing her desire to live and believe in a happy future.

Meditations led by IOM Romania psychologist Yanna were particularly inspiring. They helped Hanna delve into her subconscious, understand herself better, and learn coping strategies. “I started to believe that everything would be fine, that we would overcome difficulties. I recovered from depression,” she reflects.

Embracing Life Again

The support Hanna received brought about significant positive changes in her life. She rediscovered the desire to live and take care of herself. Activities that once seemed pointless, like going to the seaside, became enjoyable again. Hanna felt a renewed desire to develop, learn languages, and explore Romania.

"Basic desires have returned, and I’ve come back to life."

The MHPSS program not only helped Hanna personally but also strengthened her family bonds. “We strengthened the family bonds, even though I used to have thoughts about divorce. Now, I began paying more attention to the relationships among family members and seeking compromises. Emotional control and greater psychological maturity followed,” Hanna explains.

Looking to the Future

Hopeful for the future, Hanna continues to adapt to her new life in Romania. She has started learning English and Romanian and is even considering starting work in Romania. “We hope that the war will end soon, and we’ll be able to return home. Meanwhile, I’m actively seeking opportunities to participate in all psychological events,” she says.

Hanna’s story is a testament to the importance of mental health and psychosocial support in overcoming the trauma of displacement. She advises others in similar situations to seek help and utilize the services provided by organizations like IOM.

"To everyone I meet from Ukraine, I share information about the IOM and its services. Psychological support is essential for overcoming stress, managing crises, and recovering from depression."

Hanna’s journey from Kherson to Romania, filled with challenges and transformations, showcases the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of compassionate support. Through IOM Romania’s MHPSS program, Hanna found not only relief and recovery but also a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Photography from Hanna’s personal archive.

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being