Developing resources

Through IOM Romania's numerous programmatic activities, a range of resources. These include educational materials for teaching Romanian as a foreign language, as well as a wide range of protection and labour migration related information materials.

Educational resources

As part of the efforts to teach Romanian as a foreign language and to train education professionals to help migrants learn Romanian, IOM Romania has developed tailored educational resources. 

A comprehensive educational package for learning Romanian as a foreign language was developed considering the needs of beneficiaries of protection and third country nationals in Romania. The package includes cultural orientation materials such as videos and orientation guides, along with workbooks for adults and children. The workbooks are divided depending on the language skills level and are accompanied by specific workbooks for Romanian language teachers and learners and materials necessary for the assessment of competencies. These educational resources were developed as part of the REACT_RO project, funded through the National Program - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union, through the General Inspectorate for Immigration within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania, and implemented by IOM Romania together with the Schottener Social Services Foundation.  

Other educational resources have been developed by IOM and its implementing partners Global Help Association Craiova and AIDRom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania, as part of the project MyRO  Regional Network for the Integration of Migrants in Romania

Labour migration information materials 

IOM Romania has developed a range of information materials, animations, and resources for labour migrants on protection, avoiding exploitation, safer employment, and recognising illegitimate employment. This includes animations on recognising legitimate employment and a guide to safer employment, complete with checklist to make the job search safer, help identify signs of being exploited at work, and suggest ways to get assistance. Many of these materials were developed in cooperation with LiberatED, and with the support of the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).