
A New Life and New Hopes for Resettled Refugees Arriving in Romania

Bucharest – Forty-two refugees from Syria, including 17 children, arrived safely in Bucharest, after leaving Amman, Jordan over the last two weeks as part of the Romanian refugee resettlement programme. The group included a senior aged 82, celebrating her birthday on the day of arrival and two very young babies, three months old and two weeks old.

“All I want is for my children to live in a country where they can play in safety, go to school, have a peaceful future and dream freely,” said one of the mothers, full of hope, upon arrival in Bucharest, last week (15/10).

IOM staff welcomed the refugees at the airport in Bucharest on 15/10 and 23/10 together with the representatives of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. IOM received the new arrivals and helped to transfer them to the immigration authorities. Following that, IOM accompanied them to their new accommodations.

With logistical support from IOM, the General Inspectorate for Immigration in Romania carries out selection missions in Jordan. IOM then conducts health assessments for the selected refugees and carries out pre-departure orientation sessions to help manage their expectations and give a glimpse of life in Romania. This is followed by support during their travel to Romania in addition to a 45-day period of post-arrival assistance during which refugees are provided with intensive Romanian language courses, post-arrival orientation and needs-based support. 

At the same time, IOM conducts information sessions to help local actors prepare to receive refugees. This is done by sharing information on what it means to be granted refugee status in Romania, what the situation in the countries of origin looks like and inter-cultural communication.

“The people who arrived today have been through the worst and now have a chance at rebuilding their lives in peace,” said Mircea Mocanu, Head of IOM’s office in Romania. “Resettlement proves once again an amazing instrument for humane and safe travel. We are happy to be supporting the Romanian Government in its humanitarian response towards the situation in Jordan and Turkey,” he continued.

Romania has committed to resettling 109 Syrian refugees from Turkey and Jordan as part of the European Union efforts to increase resettlement in solidarity with hosting countries.
IOM Romania is comprehensively supporting Romania in its resettlement efforts from Turkey and Jordan, countries which collectively host more than 4.3 million refugees from Syria in need of international protection.

The resettlement project STARRT III is led by IOM in Romania, in partnership with the Schottener Social Services Foundation, and financed by the European Union through the National Programme – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

IOM Romania has supported the resettlement of more than 100 refugees to Romania since 2014.

Watch video of the Syrian refugees arriving in Bucharest.

For more information, please contact Diana Dragos at IOM Romania, Tel: +4021 210 30 50, Email:

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities