The project Regional Network for the Integration of Migrants in Romania - MyRO (2020-2022) aimed to enhance the social, economic, and cultural integration of beneficiaries of international protection and third-country nationals who legally reside in Dolj, Giurgiu, Călărași, Ialomița, Teleorman, and Olt counties. The project was implemented along with Global Help Association Craiova and AIDRom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania. 

The migrants’ access to available services in the region was improved by establishing two Regional Integration Centers in Craiova and Giurgiu, fostering functional collaboration between local authorities/institutions, NGOs providing services to migrants and migrant communities, and actively involving representatives from migrant communities in project activities. 

The project assisted:

  • Beneficiaries of a form of international protection (BPI) in the six counties.
  • Third-country nationals (TCNs/RTTs) in the six counties.

The project managed to facilitate over 650 migrants’ access to medical and psycho-social services, socio-cultural activities, educational opportunities, and material assistance, contributing to their social, economic, and cultural integration into Romanian society. 

The main types of assistance provided were:

  • Information and counseling services in the Regional Integration Centers Romanian language courses.

  • Cultural orientation sessions.

  • Socio-cultural activities.

  • Medical and material assistance to vulnerable people.

  • Health insurance payment for vulnerable cases.

  • Counselling on the job market: assistance in job identification, resume preparation, and interview preparation.